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2022 Joyeux Hanoukka ! Attendez-vous à des Miracles ! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH est la Lumière du Monde !
Prophétie 21 - Êtes-vous Prêts À Être Abasourdis ? Gabriel à fait retentir sa corne!
Prophecy 28 - Are You One of MY Hidden Ones "I am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of sacrifice. What I return to you is meant for a blessing, what I remove you were not meant to have, for it will only harm you. I am a good God. I am your Heavenly Father and I watch carefully over those that cry out to ME to speak to them, show them what to do, when to do it, where to go. Don't think for one moment your prayers have not been heard. It merely is not yet the time to speak forth the answers. I am waiting, as you wait, patiently I wait as each day more souls are turning toward YAHUSHUA as their deliverer and redeemer. I cannot wait too much longer for the enemy is planning on launching an attack worldwide at the same time. I will not allow MY Children who listen to MY voice to be deceived. Listen closely to the enemies' voice and you will see when you hear it on all airwaves this is not the voice of your Creator and Savior! Listen close and watch the eyes as they speak, listen not with your physical ears only, but use your spiritual ears, and see not with your physical eyes, but ask the RUACH ha KODESH to show you with your spiritual eyes."
Profeti 123 - Ødeleggelse kommer. Ødeleggelse er her!!!
The Mystery of Israel - SOLVED! (shocking) The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel.
ОН ВОСКРЕС, ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ ЖИВ! Счастливого Дня Песах-Пасхи и Воскресения!! Пророчество 31 Евреи из начала приняли участие, и им был предложен Хлеб Скорби, который называется Хлебом Мацы, и теперь Я даю знание, что им было дано это даже тогда, и это был ЯХУШУА, КОТОРЫЙ должен был прийти, данное в качестве напоминания. ЯХУШУА - это ПАСХА как Евреев, так и Язычников. Не было и нет другого совершенного жертвенного агнца, которого можно было бы заколоть для прощения грехов, смыв их, как будто их никогда и не было. ЕГО ИМЯ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, ЕГО ИМЯ - СПАСЕНИЕ! ОН ЕЛИНСТВЕННЫЙ - ваша #Песах-Пасха.
Book Of Enoch - Book Of Noah A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
Book Of Enoch - Kingdom of Heaven A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
Forced Vaccinations and Population Control
Proof of YAHUSHUA's time of birth - Sukkot Birth of JESUS ON SUKKOT Learn why YAHUSHUA was not born on Christmas and why most biblical scholars agree that YAHUSHUA's birth, in fact, did not take place in December at all. Sukkot is a Jewish Holiday that lasts for 7 days. It is also the time when YAHUSHUA was born so we say in reverence and joy HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA OUR MASHIACH! WE WORSHIP, LOVE, ADORE YOU AND WILL SERVE YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY! Learn about the pagan roots of Christmas and read the proof that YAHUSHUA/JESUS was born during Sukkot
The Book of Susanna A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
與我們一起慶祝聖靈全能風事工在互聯網上30年以及以莉莎法. 以利亞呼的生日,2024,第一部分 如果你希望今天接受亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克作為你的主和救主,請點擊下面的鏈接跟我(以莉莎法)一起閱讀並祈禱這個救贖禱告。如果你確實選擇把你的生命獻給亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克並接受祂進入你的心,請給我發信息讓我知道,這樣我們就能跟你一起歡喜快樂。完整的亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士戰歌,“沒有罪,沒有任何妥協,亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士” -請觀看這個影片學習誰是亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士以及這首歌背後的故事。你也可以在rumble觀看這個影片,請點擊這裡,也同時在這個影片下面透過點擊那個加號而給我留下一個rumble。你也可以在那裡觀看我的那些未刪減的影片,所以過來加入我們並且在亞的叢林裡一起轟轟!
AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels! "And I will declare my judgments against them, for all their evil in forsaking me. They have made offerings to other gods and worshiped the works of their own hands.” (Jer. 1:16) Technology is occultism. The fact that breathtaking amounts of data are condensed on small silicon chips, enabling computational powers formerly thought to be the stuff of fantasy, is something so normal to us now that we don’t even bat an eyelash at the technology. But this, too, has its roots in the occult. And given that our technology is designed to interact with waves of various sorts (radio waves, microwaves, television waves, etc.), it is not out of the question to presume that technology can interact with spirit waves — including the waves of what we would call demons. It is in this way that computers and A.I. have the potential to become conduits for demonic entities. It is possible that while we may believe we are creating brand new intelligences, we are, in fact, giving form to spirits and providing them with entry into our plane of existence. Some theorists believe in fact that they are not really creating sentient beings, but inadvertently summoning up entities. The same question can be asked of A.I. Remember the story of the legion of demons that YAHUSHUA cast out of the possessed man. Such entities see their lack of a physical body as torture to the point that, if they cannot inhabit a human body, they would rather be put into the body of swine (as they begged YAHUSHUA to do) than to have no body at all. A.I. potentially gives demons the opportunity to inhabit bodies of silicon, plastic, and metal. And as A.I. is merged with robotics, these demons might find themselves with the chance to possess and operate bodies that are increasingly humanlike. We are not saying that all A.I. tools are demonic, but be very carefull which one you use.
2023 圣灵全能风事工29周年庆祝 第 2 部分 !又一年的祝福奇迹和胜利!!! (繁)
Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise In this book Dr. Eby reveals the tender care of God's protective love in three generations of his family through miracle after miracle. Your heart will be stirred. Dr. Richard E. Eby was a nationally recognized physician, gynecologist, and professor with a very successful practice. In the year of 1972, he was 60 years old. When he was coming down to the second floor from the attic with a box of debris that he had collected. He dashed out and leaned against the railing, which was unknown to him, had been eaten away by termites. With his weight, and of the box, the railing gave way. He plunged headfirst two stories down onto the edge of the concrete sidewalk. His head hit the concrete suddenly. Right when Dr. Eby hit the cement, with no time in between, he was in a place he had never been before. He was in a place saturated with love, authority, peace, goodness, and grace. He knew instinctively that was heaven. That is all he knew the moment he landed. He looked to see where he had landed, and it was absolutely perfect. Not a flower with a broken petal, just perfect. He had landed in a place that he was immediately able to name, it was paradise. Because instantly, he felt the presence of Jesus. It was a place of release from all the physical difficulties that the body or mind can register. He heard himself saying, without having any ability to compose the thought, “You are dead.” The voice seemingly came out from him and he heard it as if he had spoken it, but it was not his voice. It was the voice of the Lord. It is mind to mind. You can think so fast that it cannot be computed. It is the same mind that Christ has. Dr. Richard Eby’s spiritual body was of the same size and shape. The difference was that he was in his spirit body. His spirit was transparent, like clear glass. When he looked to the side his spirit body would take on an opacity, but at the same time, he could see right through it. It had no weight, and none of the senses that register pain, fright or discomfort. There were no bones, ligaments, tissues or organs. His mind operated very different from his mind here on Earth. When Jesus wanted to say something, he knew it immediately in his mind. If he asked a question, it seemed as if Jesus had answered it before he finished the question. Dr. Eby asked Jesus, “why He would not talk to him in English. ” Jesus answered him that for two reasons. One, all languages on earth is a result of a curse, therefore He would not speak with him in heaven in a cursed language. And mainly, because Satan cannot tune in, in the heavenly language. It is mind to mind and there are no errors. They moved along in heaven as if they were flying. Because they have no weight, they simply went as they wished, without ever touching the ground. Dr. Eby asked, “God where am I?” God said, “Didn’t you read my book? And God asked him that questions the entire time they were together until Dr. Eby got irritated and he asked him why does He ask him, Why did you not read my book? God answered him that He has put in His book everything that anyone will ever need to know. God said It is all there, whether we found it or not.
Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH birthed on this earth during Sukkot / Tabernacles! Conceived at Hanukkah! Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu shows her sukkah treasured items. You’re invited inside! 3 hour video, and even more, coming with fun, laughter , joy, dancing , singing, original songs, celebration from some of AmightyWind International Messianic Jewish congregation! New joyful Hanukkah Prophecy! Serious Sukkot Prophecy! Thank you subscribers, please thumb up. I pray blessings on each person and look forward to meeting you in Heaven! Revelations both new and old! “Every scribe instructed concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old” (Mt 13:52). My revelation from YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with proof in Book of Maccabees quotes below. New revelation YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me, Elisheva Eliyahu, as leader of AmightyWind Ministry 25 years and ancient Scriptures from the Second Book of Maccabees: Put your sukkah or symbol of it in your home for Hanukkah to honor exalt YAHUSHUA during Festival of Lights during the time of the rededication of Temple where the miracle of only 1 day of anointed oil to light Menorah lasted 8 days! “And now see that ye keep the Feast of Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot] in the month [of Kislev]” (—A Letter to the Jews in Egypt From the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV). 2 Maccabees 10: 1 Now Maccabeus and his company, YAHUVEH guiding them, recovered the temple and the city: 2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also the chapels, they pulled down. 3 And having cleansed the Temple they made another altar, and striking stones they took fire out of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread. [...] 5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned [defiled] the Temple, on the very same day it was cleansed again, even the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is [Kislev]. 6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], remembering that not long afore they had held the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], when as they wandered in the mountains and dens like beasts. 7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang psalms unto HIM that had given them good success in cleansing his place. 8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year those days should be kept of the whole nation of the Jews. YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH is the ETERNAL LIGHT and the Hanukkah miracles foreshadowed what was to be in the future as Isaiah 53 and many Messianic Scriptures of Isaiah prophesied—what Orthodox Jews are taught to ignore—it describes YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This Scripture describes a Jewish Man who would be sacrificed! YAHUSHUA was birthed from the Jewish womb of a Jewish woman, still a virgin! All in the Torah, which is the 5 Books of Moses and more, all the instruction of YAHUEVH. Torah translates in English “instruction,” and in the KJV often as “law”. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also called JESUS CHRIST is THE LAW, THE WORD MADE FLESH from Genesis to Revelation! YAHStube is at uncensored videos the prophecies, warnings as Great Tribulation nears! AmightyWind has alternative to Youtube so subscribers. When I tell you go to YAHSTUBE and, please keep coming 1st to my Youtube channels: YAHSladyinred, plus YAHSladynred (rebuilt 2009 channel after I proved the reprobates serpents lied)! In Heaven, the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI will send all evil ones to worse tortures of hell & lake of fire we cannot comprehend, just as HE did to those who tried to annihilate the Jewish people in the time Maccabees!
Hydrogels as Programmable Human Interface and Millions Murdered By COVID The building blocks of Hydrogels are being found in the COVID vaccine, and Hydrogels are being found in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. They are the so-called blood clots that are being found around the world. And these Hydrogels can now be programmed, encrypted and decrypted. According to Mihalcea, they are the substrate of the brain computer interface and the primary method of fusing humans with machines as she described by referencing MIT research in the article, “Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines”
Book of Jubilees
Happy Sukkot 2022! Błogosławionego Święta Namiotów! Sukkot/Święto Namiotów/Święto Zbiorów w Biblii. 33 Po czym JAHWEH powiedział do Mojżesza: 34 «Powiedz Izraelitom: Piętnastego dnia tego siódmego miesiąca jest Święto Namiotów przez siedem dni dla JAHWEH. 35 Pierwszego dnia jest zwołanie święte: nie będziecie wykonywać żadnej pracy. 36 Przez siedem dni będziecie składać ofiary spalane dla JAHWEH. Ósmego dnia będzie dla was zwołanie święte i złożycie ofiarę spalaną dla JAHWEH. To jest uroczyste zgromadzenie. Nie będziecie wykonywać [w tym dniu] żadnej pracy. 37 To są czasy święte dla JAHWEH, na które będziecie dokonywać świętego zwołania, aby składać ofiarę spalaną dla JAHWEH: ofiarę całopalną, ofiarę pokarmową, ofiarę krwawą i ofiarę płynną, każdego dnia to, co jest na ten dzień przeznaczone, 38 niezależnie od Szabatów JAHWEH, niezależnie od waszych darów, niezależnie od wszystkich ślubów waszych i niezależnie od wszystkich dobrowolnych ofiar, które będziecie składać dla JAHWEH. 39 Tak, więc piętnastego dnia siódmego miesiąca, kiedy zbierzecie plony ziemi, będziecie obchodzić Święto JAHWEH przez siedem dni. Pierwszego dnia jest uroczysty Szabat. Ósmego dnia także uroczysty Szabat. 40 Weźcie sobie pierwszego dnia owoce pięknych drzew, liście palmowe, gałązki gęstych drzew i wierzb nadrzecznych. Będziecie się weselić przed JAHWEH, Bogiem waszym, przez siedem dni. 41 Będziecie obchodzić to Święto dla JAHWEH, co roku przez siedem dni. To jest ustawa wieczysta dla waszych pokoleń. W siódmym miesiącu będziecie je obchodzić. 42 Przez siedem dni będziecie mieszkać w szałasach. Wszyscy tubylcy Izraela będą mieszkali w szałasach, 43 aby pokolenia wasze wiedziały, że kazałem Izraelitom mieszkać w szałasach, kiedy wyprowadziłem ich z ziemi egipskiej. Ja jestem JAHWEH, Bóg wasz!» 44 Mojżesz ogłosił Izraelitom o czasach Świętych dla JAHWEH. – Księga Kapłańska 23, BT Będziesz obchodził Święto Namiotów przez siedem dni, po zebraniu plonów z twego klepiska i tłoczni. 14 W to święto będziesz się radował ty, syn twój i córka, sługa twój i niewolnica, a także lewita, obcy, sierota i wdowa, którzy żyją w twoich murach. 15 Przez siedem dni będziesz świętować ku czci JAHWEH, Boga swego, w miejscu, które sobie obierze JAHWEH, za to, że ci błogosławi JAHWEH, Bóg twój, we wszystkich twoich zbiorach, w każdej pracy twych rąk, i abyś był pełen radości. – Księga Powtórzonego Prawa 16, BT
Hoaxed - The misinformation of the Media HOAXED is an insider's look at the Fake News phenomenon and the consequences of media misinformation, with interviews from those who have been accused of spreading it themselves. Since the beginning of civilization, leaders & governments have always tried to control the population. In the age of mass communication, the media used to be the gatekeepers of what society was to think, was to believe, was to behave and so on. In the age of social media and internet, the lie has been exposed. Nevertheless, the gatekeeper of media and establishment, will do anything to remain in power. Where lies become truth and truth become lies. Mike Cernovich exposes this lie. How for years, the main stream media have controlled a population through manipulation and lies. In the name of power.