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Before The Wrath
Before The Wrath Amightywind Ministries 517 Views • 15 days ago

⁣Before The Wrath

"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a
mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a
deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over
the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood?
Newly rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of
Christ finally reveals unprecedented findings that could prove the
upcoming Rapture is not only real to a skeptical world but sheds new
light on how and why this event must take place. Regardless of your
Tribulation Period views,

"Before the Wrath" will captivate believers and non-believers alike; revealing
new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to
the ancient Galileans about the end of the world in ways you could never have imagined.

The findings revealed within "Before the Wrath" resulted from 10-years of
research in Israel by leading ancient anthropological scholars which
rediscovered lost Middle-Eastern views regarding how and why the
biblical "catching away" was prophesied to occur. While everyone has
been debating "when" this event is to happen, we've forgotten to ask
"why" it does, and the answer could be the greatest theological
discovery of our time. To fully present the impact this genuine
eye-opening discovery has on the world, award-winning documentary writer
and director Brent Miller Jr, reproduces what Jesus Christ Himself
unveiled to the ancient Galileans regarding the end of the world through
emotional and beautiful cinematic reenactments with over 60 actors and
extras on a Hollywood set.

New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH
New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 284 Views • 1 month ago

⁣New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH

Each 15 euro donation will enable us to publish this book in several different
languages to reach the world for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor and Glory. It
is our desire to eventually be in a position when we can offer these
books for free but unfortunately we are not yet in this position.

Amightywind Ministries' New Book "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT"
(RUACH ha KODESH is the Sacred Hebrew Name for Holy Spirit)!

The precious Holy Spirit have spoken through the modern Endtime Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu to reveal HER Secrets.
SHE has revealed HERSELF in the Prophecies given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.

This book, "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT" contains revelations from Heaven
about the precious HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH in Hebrew, given to
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for these end times. Learn the Sacred Names of
SPIRIT) and how the anti-christ will actually be using the Name of
"Jesus"in the Great Tribulation. Learn about YAHUVEH GOD'S warnings
regarding the Mark of the Beast in the coming Great Tribulation. YAHUVEH
told us to get the Prophecies into books and in the peoples hands for
there will come a time when freedom on the internet will be no more.
These books will be for those in the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You
Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You Amightywind Ministries 270 Views • 1 month ago

⁣Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Israel! Once again stand up for morality! The world wants to hate
you? Give them a reason: You stand up for morality! You stand up for
righteousness! You do what no other nation or country on the face of
this earth is doing! You be set apart for Holiness once again! You wash
the blood of the abortions off your hands!

Oh where is the leader whose heart belongs to ME? Who does not fear—to say,
'Oh Israel return again! To that which Moshe preached! To Holiness! To righteousness!'

There’s a NEW BLOOD COVENANT and it’s MY BLOOD shed for you, as I shed it for
all those who’d receive it. But right now Israel I’m talking to you!


Return. Return to that which the Disciples of Old, the Apostles, taught!
Return. Do not just recite the Torah Laws—obey them! Obey them.

Because I love you so much!

Again I warn you as you see what’s happening in this world, as you see even
laws being passed to label Israel 'terrorists' and the hatred that’s
coming at you and the political leaders who say they are friends and are
really enemies.

There is a man who doesn’t even follow MY Commandments, but his
name is Donald Trump and he truly does love Israel!
He would be a friend to you.

For I deal with him even now. This is why he chose the vice president
that he would want with him should he win the election,
but this cannot happen if enough people do not pray and put action
behind their prayers and get out and vote.

I’m just telling you now.

AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels!
AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels! Amightywind Ministries 243 Views • 14 days ago

⁣AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels!

⁣"And I will declare my judgments against them, for all their evil in
forsaking me. They have made offerings to other gods and worshiped the
works of their own hands.” (Jer. 1:16)

Technology is occultism.

The fact that breathtaking amounts of data are condensed on small silicon
chips, enabling computational powers formerly thought to be the stuff of
fantasy, is something so normal to us now that we don’t even bat an
eyelash at the technology.

But this, too, has its roots in the occult.

And given that our technology is designed to interact with waves of various
sorts (radio waves, microwaves, television waves, etc.), it is not out
of the question to presume that technology can interact with spirit
waves — including the waves of what we would call demons.

It is in this way that computers and A.I. have the potential to become conduits for demonic entities.

It is possible that while we may believe we are creating brand new
intelligences, we are, in fact, giving form to spirits and providing
them with entry into our plane of existence.

Some theorists believe in fact that they are not really creating sentient beings, but inadvertently summoning up entities.

The same question can be asked of A.I. Remember the story of the legion of
demons that YAHUSHUA cast out of the possessed man. Such entities see
their lack of a physical body as torture to the point that, if they
cannot inhabit a human body, they would rather be put into the body of
swine (as they begged YAHUSHUA to do) than to have no body at all.

A.I. potentially gives demons the opportunity to inhabit bodies of silicon,
plastic, and metal. And as A.I. is merged with robotics, these demons
might find themselves with the chance to possess and operate bodies that
are increasingly humanlike.

We are not saying that all A.I. tools are demonic, but be very carefull which one you use.

Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo
Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo Amightywind Français 186 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a
Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vous de décider.

Israël et le reste du monde au sujet du Temps de la Peine de Jacob et du
fait que nous sommes à l'aube de la Grande Tribulation. Cette vidéo
comprend un exposé spécial sur Hollywood et une sensibilisation de
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH auprès de ceux qui, à Hollywood, n'ont pas encore
franchi la ligne de blasphème de la RUACH HA KODESH (SAINT-ESPRIT) mais
ont une chance de venir à YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ( JÉSUS CHRIST) et de se
détourner de leurs péchés - en utilisant le reste de leur vie pour
exposer ce qui se passe à Hollywood et conduire les gens à YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. Il y a 26 ans, l'Apôtre et Prophète Elisheva Eliyahu a entendu
du Ciel que ce Ministère AmightyWind serait utilisé pour atteindre ceux
qui sont égarés, y compris les acteurs, actrices, producteurs,
musiciens etc. pour le Royaume des Cieux.

Extrait de la Prophétie 153: -
Tout ce qui a été prophétisé est lié à l'obéissance. Obéissent-ils aux conditions ?
Israël est-elle une terre sainte ? Où se tient la plus grande des parades gay qu'ils exhibent dans MON visage ?!
(Elisheva : Oh là là.)

Oh Israël, oh Israël, oh Israël, vous ME metyez en colère ! Vous ME
remplissez de fureur ! Vous lisez les portions de la Torah... Vous avez
reçu l'ordre de rester à la maison, même sous la menace de la mort (cela
n'a jamais été comme ça avant, et ne le sera plus jamais), mais vous ME
remplissez de FUREUR ! Pour votre péché - que vous faites en secret
dans les maisons où vous êtes enfermés !
Oh, vous vous souvenez des shabbats ! Vous vous souvenez de Hanoukkah
[Consécration], vous vous souvenez de Souccot. Certains d'entre vous, vous
vous êtes même souvenus de Pourim MAIS VOUS VOUS ÊTES ENIVRÉS !
Vous avez fait la fête comme si c'était un mardi gras !

Où était l'adoration ?! Où était la louange?! Ô ISRAËL, Ô ISRAËL, VOUS ME REMPLISSEZ,
Quoi ? Vous pensez que JE n'ai pas le droit ? Avez-vous déjà oublié Kora ?
Ces bénédictions que J'ai réservées pour Israël, c'était un Israël qui serait
une terre Sainte - qui M'adorerait et ME louerait et qui serait mis à part et
serait un exemple pour la terre entière - et n'en aurait pas honte.

Vous êtes si fiers du fait que vous pouvez citer la Torah, si fiers du fait que vous
pouvez citer la Tanakh. Beaucoup d'entre vous le peuvent. Vous êtes si
fiers du fait que vous vous mettez à part... et vous mettez sur votre
tête une kippa que JE n'ai jamais commandée. Cela vous met à part.
Comme le noir et le blanc ! Oh, vous la cabale, VOUS SAVEZ À QUEL POINT JE VOUS DÉTESTE ?
Ne croyez-vous pas que JE vois qui est derrière tout ça ? Vous ne croyez
Croyez-vous que MES Yeux sont devenus aveugles parce que cela fait tant de milliers
d'années ? Pensez-vous que MOI, YAHUVEH, JE suis devenu sourd parce que
cela fait tant de milliers d'années ? PENSEZ-VOUS QUE MON BRAS EST TROP
COURT ?! - que JE ne peux pas vous discipliner d'une manière que vous
n'avez jamais été disciplinés auparavant ? (Ce qui sera le 'Temps de la
Peine de Jacob.)

[C'est] tout comme MON bras n'est pas trop court
pour vous étreindre maintenant, tout comme MA Vue ne s'est point
affaiblie, que JE ne vous regarderai pas avec autant d'amour maintenant.
MES Bras LANGUISSENT de vous serrer à nouveau comme J'ai serré Abraham,
Isaac et Jacob dans mes bras - comme J'ai tenu MON PROPRE FILS UNIQUE
BIEN-AIMÉ, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. JE LE tiens maintenant - alors que JE
prononce cette Parole à travers Elisheva Eliyahu (encore une fois à un
moment où elle prie sur un tout autre sujet et ne s'attendait pas à
cette Parole). Oh, Israël, arrêtez de ME remplir de FUREUR. Arrêtez
de ME demander pourquoi la mort est venue - dans les maisons - alors que
vous avez revendiqué le Psaume 91. Êtes-vous OBÉISSANTS au Psaume 91 ? !
Ou avez-vous honte du NOM DE YAHUVEH ?!
Répondez à cette question !

Prière du Salut émotionnelle spéciale vue à la fin de la vidéo, qui a été
donnée à l'Apôtre Elisheva Eliyahu il y a 25 ans de cela.

Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time
Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time Amightywind Ministries 168 Views • 1 month ago

⁣Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time

YAHUSHUA speaks through His Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Yahsladynred
on Youtube) on Sukkot/feast of tabernacles (YAHUSHUA'S birthday). He
warns of the plans of the enemy and how He will deliever and protect His
Bride who lives Holy and obediant unto Him. He warns of whats coming
such as the dangers of sunday churchs in the Great Tribulation and the
Mark of the Beast. He warns that the antichrist will come in the name
Jesus Christ, and why its important to know and use His hebrew Name
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When the antichrist starts using the Name of Jesus
Christ no prayers will be heard in that name at that time.

He warns the dangers of being unequally yoked in the Great Tribulation. He
explains the reason He brings division, it is for the safety of His
Bride and even the Guests at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. YAHUSHUA
warns of the coming giants/nephillim who will come to earth disguised as
aliens/ufos who will really be satan and his fallen angels spoken of in
genesis 6. He warns those who presecute His Prophet and Ministry and
what will happen if they dont repent. He also warns the Pastors who take
the bribe of the goverment 'tax exempt statues' and what will happen if
they dont repent.

Excerpt from Prophecy 102:

"For those of you who say, "It's too tough, too hard to live, to be Holy, I'll get
it right by the Great Tribulation." I'll tell you this, if you cannot do
it now and there's no sacrifice thus far you've had to make, you've not
been told to lay down your life, to put your head in a guillotine, what
makes you think that you can do it then when you cannot even do it now?
What makes you think you'll have more faith then when starvation and
death and devastation, when horrors uncomprehendable you shall see all
around you? When the roads, you will have to wade through the blood!
What makes you think you'll have more faith then? Now it costs you
nothing other than to be called a "Bible thumper".

And I do not speak to the lands now that it costs you so much more, I speak for the
majority of this earth where they have said, "Oh, it's too hard for me
to live Holy! Oh, the devil tempts me so with porn! Oh, I cannot lay the
cigarettes down on the altar! Oh, I cannot lay the booze down! Oh, it's
too hard to live Holy! I cannot stop the cursing coming from my lips! I
cannot live Holy! Pray for me, I cannot live Holy!" What makes you
think it's going to be any easier then?!"

Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed
Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed Amightywind Ministries 23 Views • 4 days ago

⁣Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed

⁣For the cause of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the Truth we are battling a network of satanists disguised as Christians on YouTube. In the Anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit we expose, rebuke and reprove the enemies of GOD who have targeted AmightyWind Ministry and our Pastor Elisabeth Elijah for harassment, character assassination and defamation. In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name we battle the bride of satan who are planted in the midst of the Christian community to sow lies, confuse and deceive the people. They are mainly targeting lukewarm Christians and new converts for recruitment, teaching them by example to twist the Word of GOD and use it as a weapon against AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah who is "yahsladynred on YouTube and to provoke GOD Almighty through blaspheming what they don't even understand. Please visit our main channels; yahsladynred, YAHSLittleOne, ablewaterwalker, YAHSservant777, yahsservant007, jarofclay9, YAHSsheep777, TrustYAH777, YAHsHolyMinistry, Lawkeeper101, WeepingLambofYAH, YAHUSHUASFIRE, DaughterofYAH27, EFESIOSSEISDIEZ, Reuven0725, YTforYAHUSHUA, native0083, he4rtofflesh, atyahushuasfeet7, Abbasbeeloved, superprayer777, chos3n23, VictoryinYAHUSHUA777, 4theTruth100, Daughterofdestiny100, yahschild144,vinnyhb2, seekYAHUSHUA and more to be blessed with the Truth, Testimonies for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Glory and the Prophecies that were spoken by ABBA YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (yahsladynred).
The following YouTube usernames are enemies of all that is good and Holy, and consist of satanists, occultists, witches and character assassins posing as Christians that have targeted AmightyWind Ministry with senseless assaults, horrendous propaganda, hate campaigns, slanderous lies and harassment: Pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq, Bruce Brickner, tjbrook88 aka Karen aka Connie, DRusseII aka Darlene Russell, savedbyjesusblood aka jesuslovesroger, Nephtali1981 aka taliforgod, MLove4Christ aka Molly Love, violetkitty411, pothead ThickShades, marijuana addict ThickShadesResponse, satanist ThickShadesRaw, stalker ThickShades0, troll ThickShadescom, harasser ThickShades1 aka dohmightywind aka lomightywind aka lolmightywind aka duhmightywind, shockofchrist, lostandfoundher, KECOG, lacybunny, TheKathleenBean aka wisdomhunter93, donny71954, crosswayokc, troll mimicaxresurrected, stalker mimicabastardos, harasser ytguiltyconscience, gluteusilluminatus aka theglutesofwrath aka theglutesoflove, inventorgorilla, Ashley Dakota... these are all enemies of YAH. Please do not visit their channels or watch their videos for your own spiritual wellbeing as these people are demonized and driven by satan to attack AmightyWind/AlmightyWind Ministry.

Nephtali1981 Punched Out!
Nephtali1981 Punched Out! Amightywind Ministries 23 Views • 9 days ago

⁣Nephtali1981 Punched Out!

⁣Nephtali1981 is a deceiver who is pushing and manipulating his viewers to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and damn their souls. Nephtali1981 dares to call the Holy Spirit that is using AmightyWind Ministry to reach souls in 25 different languages with the gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ a "jezebel spirit". In order to have people believe his lies he is purposely misrepresenting what this Ministry teaches, twisting the Word of GOD (Bible) to use it as a weapon against this Ministry and he seeks to assassinate the character of my pastor Elisabeth Elijah through slander and defamation.

This video is my rebuttal to Nephtali1981's slanderous lies as he continues his assault against this Ministry and war against the One who established this Ministry; YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD Almighty and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. After viewing this video, the viewer will have no excuse to believe Nephtali1981's lies. I will show you how it is absurd and utter blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to call the Spirit in this Ministry "jezebel". I will show you how Nephtali1981 lies, slanders, defames, twists the Word of GOD to attack GOD's Children -- how he uses mind control and manipulation techniques to plant twisted and unbiblical messages in the minds of the viewers -- how he is connected to a network of satanists masquerading as Christians on YouTube to try to destroy a Ministry like AmightyWind -- how he works together with pastorgeorgec and takes orders from pastorgeorgec to attack AmightyWind Ministry and cover up the sins of George when he gets himself into trouble. Nephtali1981 is an illusion, a deception that satan has planted within this Christian community to deceive, sow confusion and doubt; to recruit people to partake in a war against a Ministry like AmightyWind Ministry. Do not believe the lies of this man. The "Jesus" he is talking about is not the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. Nephtali1981 twists the Bible and applies the Bible in a way GOD never meant it to be applied; using it as a weapon against GOD's Own Commandment keeping Children that have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:17). Nephtali1981 is representing the antichrist, preaches a lawless gospel and wages war against the genuine anointing of the Holy Spirit. Watch this video and help me get the truth out to expose this deceiver and WARN the people of what he is doing.

A future video will contain a more in depth explanation on the occult aspect of Nephtali1981 and his "ministry". Nephtali1981 is truly an antichrist agent.

Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!
Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 184 Views • 14 days ago

⁣Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!

⁣Мы радуемся вместе с Небесами в этот день 4 Апреля 2024 года за то, что
принесли нам всем AmightyWind Министерство! Мы уже празднуем целый
месяц! 30 лет онлайн и далее для ХВАЛЫ СЛАВЫ и Чести АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА

АББА ЯХУВЭХ выбрал эту дату, которая также является Днём Рождения любимого
Апостола и Пророка Элишевы Элияху. Мы славим АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХА и ДРАГОЦЕННУЮ РУАХА ХА КОДЕШ за тебя, наша любимая Мамма
Элишева! Мы празднуем твой день рождения, а также рождение Министерства
AmightyWind онлайн в течение следующих 30 дней ХАЛЛЕЛУЯХ!!!

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы прочитать и
помолиться вместе со мной Молитву Спасения: • Молитва Спасения от
Пророка Элишевы Э...

Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в своё сердце, очень прошу, напишите мне, чтобы
сообщить об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с вами.

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